Democratic Foresters’ Association (DFAN) is a professional organization representing the Democratic foresters of Nepal. It promotes forest resources toward sustainable management in Nepal and provides scientific expertise in forestry, biodiversity, environment, and other related issues of natural resource management. Democratic Foresters’ Association (DFAN), established on Sunday 20th November2011, is only the leading professional association of democratic foresters in Nepal. It is a forum where democratic foresters can bring their collective thoughts and efforts for enhancing the prestige of their profession.

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नेपालको प्राकृतिक श्रोत र साधन मध्येको महत्वपुर्ण वन सम्पदालाई मानवीव आवश्यकता, स्वच्छ वातावरण सहित वातावरणीय सन्तुलन तथा जलावायु समानुकुलनमा टेवा दिन सक्षम बनाउन, देश विकासका लागि वन सम्पदाले राष्ट्रिय अर्थतन्त्रमा बृहत योगदान दिन सक्ने प्राथमिक क्षेत्रको रुपमा स्थापित गर्न संगठित प्रयासको आवश्यकता महसुस गरी प्रजातान्त्रिक वन प्राविधक संघकाे स्थापना भएकाे हाे ।

प्रजातान्त्रिक मूल्य, मान्यता र स्वीकृत विश्वव्यापी वन व्यावस्थापनका सिद्वान्तहरुलाई राष्ट्रिय, प्रदेशिक, जिल्ला तथा स्थानिय स्तरका वन नितीहरुमा समावेश गराउदै वन सम्पदाको दिगो ब्यवस्थापनका लागि बैज्ञानिक वन व्यवस्थापन प्रणाली अवलम्बन गर्दै जनताको अधिकार र उपयोगमा पहुच स्थापित गराउन स्वदेश तथा विदेशमा रहेका क्रियाशिल वन कर्मी, विज्ञ तथा प्राविधीकहरुको सहभागितामा परिचालित हुने गरी यो प्राविधिक संघ, प्रजातन्त्रबादी वन प्राविधिकहरुको साझा संस्थाको रुपमा कृयाशिल हुने छ भन्ने विश्वास लिएका छाै।

जय नेपाल

डा. ठाकुर सिलवाल


Users Will Always Have the Earliest Information

By combining all three alert systems into one layer, we are harnessing the different timing of the satellites to increase the chances of getting an unobscured look at the forest and therefore detect change faster. Users looking at integrated alerts in Peru from 2020 would have been alerted to forest

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What Does the Integrated Alerts Layer Offer?

Global Forest Watch (GFW) is committed to bringing the most accurate forest data to users as quickly as possible. We are continually expanding the near-real-time deforestation alerts available on the GFW platform and are excited to introduce an updated layer. The integrated deforestation alerts layer combines the analytical power of

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Looking for the Quickest Signal of Deforestation?

Global Forest Watch (GFW) is committed to bringing the most accurate forest data to users as quickly as possible. We are continually expanding the near-real-time deforestation alerts available on the GFW platform and are excited to introduce an updated layer. The integrated deforestation alerts layer combines the analytical power of

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Kathmandu Nepal